Kwanan nan, na koyi cewa yawancin abokan cinikin shuka sun ci karo da matsalar canzawa a cikin abin da ya sa na oxygen.
The power plant flue has zirconia oxygen measuring probes on the left and right sides of the economizer. Normally, the measured oxygen content is between 2.5% and 3.7%, and the oxygen content displayed on both sides is basically the same.But sometimes you encounter a very special situation. Bayan shigarwa da debugging, komai al'ada ne. After a period of time, the oxygen content displayed on one side will suddenly become smaller and smaller, or the oxygen content fluctuates up and down, and the lowest display The oxygen content is around 0.02%~4%.Under normal circumstances, users will think that the probe is damaged and replace it with a new probe, but after changing to a new probe, the same problem will occur after a while, and the probe can only be replaced.In this case, for the United States, Japan, and other domestic probes, the problem can only be solved by replacing the probe, but the cause of the probe damage is unknown.If the Nernst oxygen probe is used, the probe is also replaced, but the replaced probe is not damaged after inspection, and everything is normal when used in other positions.
Yadda za a bayyana wannan lamarin, ga bincike da bayani:
(1) Dalilin canji na oxygen da lalacewar bincike shine matsayin binciken ba shi da kyau. Ana shigar da bincike kawai kusa da bututun ruwa na wuta a cikin flue. Because the water pipe ruptures and leaks, water drops on the probe. There is a heater on the head of the probe with a heater temperature above 700 degrees. Ruwan ruwa ya tsara turɓaɓɓen ruwa mai kaiwa, wanda ke haifar da jujjuyawa a cikin abubuwan oxygen. A wannan lokacin, abun ciki na isashshen oxygen zai zama kaɗan.
(2) Amurka, Japan, da sauran magabata ba za a iya amfani da su ba a wannan yanayin kuma za a iya zubar da su kawai. Wannan saboda wannan nau'in bincike ne na bututun Zirt na Zirconium, kuma lokacin da ya ci karo da danshi mai wahala da sabuwar bincike, wanda ke kawo matsala sosai da sabon bincike, ana iya maye gurbin babbar matsala da asarar tattalin arziki ga mai amfani.
(3) Saboda tsarin na musamman na bincike na ndernst, bincike ba zai lalace ba yayin da canje-canje kwatsam da zazzabi. Muddin an cire bincike, Filin ana iya tsabtace kuma ana iya sake amfani da bincike kuma, ana iya amfani da bincike, wanda ke adana masu amfani da amfanin amfani.
Kamfaninmu ya yanke hukunci game da lalatattun bututun ruwa a wuraren flue wurare na tsire-tsire masu yawa, kuma dukkansu an warware su.
Lokaci: Jan-0522